
Telegram channel:

SureBetting Bot channel

What are sure bets ?

Sure betting is a way of placing bets with a guaranteed profit, independently from match results, placing a precise amount of money on two opposite bets, using two (or more) different bookmakers.

Why do they guarantee a profit ?

This works because any bookmaker has its own odds for the same bets on a match, so you can place bet A on a bookmaker and the opposite bet B on another bookmaker. If odds on the two bookmakers satisfy some criteria, you will be guaranteed a profit. (Further explanations below)

You can find more info on different types of bets used in this program here

How this program works ? (easy explanation)

First of all, it gets every upcoming match and their quotes on a lot of bookmakers.

(Up to now, it only works for bookmakers accessible from Europe, and for Under/Over bets, called ‘totals’).

The program updates odds for each match approximately every 5 minutes.

Once it has every odds, it creates every combination for each match from different bookmakers and then it searches for a couple of opposite winning bets to place on different bookmakers (further explanations of this part below).

When it finds them, it sends a message on the telegram channel with infos of the bets to place and their profit.

Example: England vs France

Bookmaker 1: UniBet
	"Over 2.5": 1.87
  "Under 2.5": 2.23

Bookmaker 2: bet365
	"Over 2.5": 1.92
  "Under 2.5": 2.14

-> the program will tell you to bet X money on 'Over 2.5' on UniBet and
Y money on 'Under 2.5' on bet365, with a profit on the total bet of 3.1%

-> if you bet 100€ (X+Y) you will get 103.1€ when the match ends